3.2 oz Gold Nugget Discovered in Central Victoria with Minelab GPX 4000

BendigoGold had a customer stop by last week to come in and show us a 3.2 ounce gold nugget found earlier in the week in Central Victoria.

This great little nugget was found using a Minelab GPX 4000 gold detector and a Nugget Finder 17” x 11” coil. It was found at at depth of around 14 inches.

The two lucky finders were travelling from interstate and were only stopping by to detect in Central Victoria for a couple of days.

Congrats to the finders!

3.2 oz gold nugget p1010373


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About Treasure Tim

Tim works at Miners Den Australia’s Bendigo store ‘BendigoGold’. Having an interest in both Gold Prospecting and Treasure Hunting he is available to offer Miners Den Australia customers advice and support in their pursuit treasure hunting adventures and Gold Nuggets. Tim will be sharing his finds and advice regularly on the Miners Den Australia blog, so make sure you check back to see some fantastic finds and valuable tips on getting the best out of your Minelab Gold, Treasure and Adventure metal detectors! Having uncovered 1000's of historic relics and many ounces of gold nuggets Tim is perfect person to help you hone your skills and get you discovering more of the good stuff more often. Tim can be contacted via email timkrause@minersdenaustralia.com.au

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