More Great Minelab GPX 5000 Finds!!

A customer recently came into the BendigoGold store to show us some pieces he had found whilst out with his new Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector that he had purchased approximately 2 weeks beforehand.

One piece was a gorgeous 11.8 oz quartz specimen which was found at approx 400 mm depth using a Nugget Finder 12″ x 7″ coil.

Another 18.05 gram piece was found about 30 meters away from the quartz specimen the previous week.

Other numerous other nuggets were also found weighing about 16.45 grams in previously worked ground.

All up there was about 10-12 hours spent using the Minelab GPX 5000 to find these great pieces.

Gold Nugget Specimen

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