Minelab X-TERRA 705 finds Celestial ‘Gold’

I recently took my partner and dear daughter (almost 6) for a day detecting – something they have both been wanting to do for some time now. Me armed with my Minelab GPX 5000 and my daughter Lily a Minelab X-TERRA 705.

We stuck together for most of the morning just using my GPX 5000 and turning up nothing but rubbish we headed back to the cars for lunch. Lily asked to get the X-TERRA 705 out for a go so I set it up and she began awkwardly swinging close to the cars. We were all talking amongst ourselves when I hear “daddy I have a target!”

I went over to Lily who was sure enough waving the coil over something that made a mellow noise. I scratched the ground with my pick and the sound was gone. A few moments later one of my detecting buddies asked what was on my pick magnet. I had a look and here was this curious lump of what looked like dozer chip. After a quick clean I could see a very distinct fusion crust and several regmaglypts or ‘thumb prints’- it seemed to be a meteorite!

While it hasn’t been formally classified we are all thrilled to have found one and Lily in particular is very proud of her ‘space rock’!

Meteorite found with Minelab X-TERRA 705


Meteorite Detectorist Lily

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About Cory

There seems to be gold in my blood- My great grandfather was from Ballarat and had several gold claims (not overly successful from my research). My grandfather, father and uncle all were prospectors in NZ- where my uncle still prospects regularly. I remember when I was about 5 my father would regularly go fossicking around drake and Taloom. When I was older we would go gold panning around Kilkivan frequently and thus began my interest in gold. About 2 years ago, after settling down with a house and family, I felt the call of gold again and began seriously learning all I could. I began panning in Warwick regularly but my interest soon turned to detecting. I started with a cheap machine and very soon realised I was wasting my time. I was lucky enough to have been given a Minelab GP 3000 back in February this year and found 12 grams of the good stuff on my first outing! I haven't looked back since. I now have a Minelab GPX 4500 and am finding good gold in the Warwick area very regularly- which is no easy feat! Since joining the Miners Den Australia team an interest in coins and relics has been sparked. In my spare time, I always seem to be swinging a detector, and my daughter (5) is now asking for one of her own!

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