12 grams of Beautiful Gold Nuggets

A customer recently came into BendigoGold to share his finds with us

It was a nice day and I decided to go detecting up higher where is was quieter.


I was walking around slowly with my Minelab GPX 4500 metal detector and started to pull up nuggets out of a small area, that I had been working at over a few days.


The nuggets weighed a total of 12 grams with 16 in total. The biggest nugget weighed in at 6.9 grams and was only 3 inches down.


I’m thinking about going back with my larger coil, due to my great success with these little ones.


Well done, Great Finds!

Gold Nuggets Gold Nuggets Gold Nuggets Gold Nuggets

Gold Mining Camp Exploration

I recently came across some info on a long abandoned gold mining camp, or “village” as it was listed. It was hidden away behind some private property, and there was almost no reference to it in modern publications and maps that I looked at.

It was a long hike in on foot and when I first went to investigate it, without a detector, I found what I counted to be at least the remains of 15 or so miners huts. It didnt look like it had been detected before as there were many old bottles and stoneware items laying on the surface, so I was excited to race home and kit up for the exploration.

After an hour or so detecting I was surprised at how little amount of targets were to be found, even though it had not been detected. Some huts must have been occupied until at least 1905, but most items that I could date where from the 1850’s-60’s as it was originally a gold rush settlement.

There’s about 10kg worth of metal objects collected, but no gold items, and very little silver too!! Very surprising finds indeed, not what I expected at all.

The nicer objects and the 50 odd coins are shown from the village. It must have been very poor and/or the settlers had and lost very little in their stay there.

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Treasure Tim finds 1781 Mexican Coin with Minelab CTX 3030

After having a couple of months away, I was excited to go do some relic hunting with the Minelab CTX 3030 in Central Victoria.

I chose a heavily mined area where I had found some interesting gold rush relics and early coins before. This was the site of a major alluvial gold rush in the early 1850’s, and which attracted gold seekers from many parts of the world.

I was detecting right beside where I had been before, finding the usual miners buttons, buckles and a few English pennies dating from the early 1800’s. I got a signal that suggested a silver coin. After digging it out I thought “another English sixpence” until close inspection revealed something different than I’d found before.

I always look at the dates, and I was shocked to read 1781 on this one. After some more detecting and a few more finds, I returned home to research the strange coin I’d dug up. I found that its a Spanish 1/2 Reale, Minted in Mexico City and this type was used in the Spanish colonies of South America until 1857. Its not a very rare or valuable coin, particularly in such worn, circulated condition, but I would think its a rare one to be dug up in Australia.

One can only imagine where this coin has been in its long life, and the journeys that it and its owner had while coming to the Australian gold rush.


Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector Finds Gold!

One of the boys from BendigoGold has had great success with his new Minelab SDC 2300 metal detector.
‘Having purchased an SDC2300, I was very interested to see what it could find on a patch I had found back in the SD2100 days. After 3.5 hours, I had found17 small nuggets for 2.2 grams, plus 35 shotgun pellets. I was very impressed with these results, as I could no longer find anymore targets on this patch with my GPX 5000 and 8’’ commander mono coil. It’s exciting to know that anywhere I have found gold in the past, should yield more nuggets again due to the performance of the SDC.’

SDC 2300 gold Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector Gold SDC 2300 Metal Detector Gold

Our First Day Out with the Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector

The area we chose to try out our new Minelab SDC 2300 detector in the W.A. goldfields was freshly chained when we first detected it three years ago. The chain man left about sixty small pieces for us at that stage. We recovered a few more pieces the following year, and just four more this winter. It was covered with hot rocks, both large and small.

We created some flags from wooden skewers and white tape, to mark all targets identified by the SDC 2300.  These eight spots were then detected with the GPX 5000, in Fine Gold setting, and using a 12 x 7” Nugget Finder coil (the smallest we have).

Three targets were small junk items (tin, tack and wire), all easily recognized by the GPX.

The other five were gold, three of which could not be heard, and the other two much quieter and harder to identify, than with the SDC 2300. Notably, in the three hours detecting here, the GPX 5000 did not have any luck.

The largest nugget, 0.6 grams, was only three inches deep, but masked by cricket ball sized black hot rocks, and was not picked out by the GPX until the rocks were kicked away, but  obvious to the SDC 2300. The total weight for the 5 pieces was 1.5 grams.

This new tool in the prospecting arsenal will not replace our GPX 5000 detectors, but allow us to retrieve a little more colour from worked out areas, particularly in hot and variable ground.

After a very promising first day with the SDC 2300, we are looking forward to trying it on a number of other areas that have produced multiple small nuggets both here in W.A. and back home in Victoria.

SDC 2300 SDC 2300

Minelab CTX 3030 discovers a Beaut Cricket Buckle

I was studying an old map which showed considerable alluvial gold workings in an isolated area near Bendigo and decided to take a drive there to see if it had seen many detectorists.

The diggings were extensive and probably had a large population in the 1860’s. It appeared as though nobody had been detecting there so I switched on the Minelab CTX 3030 and detected around the diggings and it was surprising how much junk was around, and shallow.

After a couple of hours digging pocketfulls of the usual buckles and buttons, but nothing of great interest, and that it was nearing 40 degrees, I was ready to call it a day and head back towards my car when I heard a broad, high-pitched signal on the edge of a digging.

I could tell it was a large non-ferrous object and that it was down several inches. I began digging the rock-hard dry ground, using my Minelab PRO-FIND 25 as I went to keep me from hitting the object with the pick.

After approx 6-7 inches deep, the PRO-FIND told me I was almost right on it, so I proceeded to use my hands. I finally seen the edge of a large flat brass belt buckle. Carefully prying it out with a stick, I was excited to think it would be another Victorian era cricket themed buckle, but also wondering if it would come out broken or damaged, as many of them are. It sure looked intact when it was just out of the ground so I walked it back to my car and brushed off the dirt with an old toothbrush to reveal its detail. I sure was lucky with this one. Beautiful condition and it still has the clasps on the back. Another excellent goldfields buckle for the collection.

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Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector Coming Soon in 2014

Minelab will be releasing a new Mid-Range Gold Detector in 2014. FInd out some of the great features of Minelab DSC 2300 Gold Detector Below.

This exciting new product is a portable, compact, waterproof gold detector featuring Minelab’s improved MPF technology.  This will be the best mid-range gold detector. Second only to the Minelab GPX Series in performance, the SDC 2300 will be the best mid-range gold detector available.

Key features and customer benefits include:

·         Compact – 16 inch (40.64cm)

·         Waterproof – 10ft (3m)

·         Rugged and assembly free

·         High performance MPF technology

·         Audio and Visual Target Response

·         Easy to use

·         Intuitive icon user interface

·         C –Cell Batteries Included

·         Quick and Easy patch hunting

The SDC 2300 gold detector performance is above the X-TERRA 705 and Eureka Gold and below the GPX Series. This detector offers an entry to Minelab’s Pulse Induction (PI) gold technology. It offers greater versatility in rugged terrains and for recovery of underwater gold because of its waterproof capability, ergonomic design and telescopic multi-position shaft.

More details will be released on the 31st January. Be sure to join the Miners Den Australia eNewsletter to kept up to date – Click here to Join the Miners Den Australia Mailing List

Minelab SDC 2300 Gold Detector

Great Haul for Sydney Enthusiast

Quite a few ounces of beautiful Queensland Gold – found by one of our more enthusiastic Sydney customers with his Minelab GPX 5000 which he purchased from Miner’s Den Sydney.

There’s also a photograph showing some of the Chinese Coins that he found on the diggings that he visited.

The young prospector had already sold 4 ounces of the nuggets before he arrived with his remaining haul for us to photograph.

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Historic Seal

A few Sundays ago saw me invited on a hunt to some historic towns in SE QLD. Armed with a Minelab CTX 3030 metal detector we set off for the old railway station where my friend unearthed an 1885 shilling the week before.

The first few targets were pieces of what looked like old lead pipe and of course the obligatory old screw caps. Then some interesting numbers appeared on screen – I decided to dig. After only 1″ of digging, the edge of what I thought was a coin was revealed. After carefully removing the object I was totally confused as to what it was. A stamp perhaps? No – the backwards details were too deep. It was a sealing stamp! After careful cleaning I could see exactly what it said. And it wasn’t surprising that it was found just meters from the old railway tracks and station.

The old station building is gone now and what stands in place is the local tourist info and historic museum building. I showed the staff the find and they were amazed! I am going to donate this to the museum as it’s a great part of the towns’ history- and what’s more it still does its job! I wonder when it made its last seal?????

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