Another Success with the Minelab SDC 2300 Metal Detector

“I detected over a thrashed patch for about 2 ½ hours, digging numerous targets that had been missed by previous detector operators. Six of these targets being gold, weighing all up 1.5 grams. Two of the gold targets were quart specimens which may lead me to a quartes leader but I’ll save that for another time when I get time to investigate this further.

I found the detector extremely easy to use. It handled electrical interference and mineralised ground really well. I was quite surprised at the ease and the depth that it gave a signal on, especially on small gold. I really think a beginner would find confidence in using this detector, as I found it the easiest detector I have ever used and the easiest to find gold with and get a result.”

Minelab SDC 2300 Gold Finds

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